We’re back!

Well actually we were never really gone, just working on more behind-the-scenes stuff for Lathley...
Eric Goodwin

Recently we had to really focus on a few key aspects such as the Outerwear Design Course and guiding our students (instead of articles and social media) because our productivity slowed down quite a bit over the summer…

Has anyone else noticed that productivity goes down when you have a baby?

Yes everyone tries to prepare you for the sleep deprivation and how little time you have outside of taking care of a baby, but you never really know until you’re in it hey?

Now our daughter is a little older (5 months!) and sleeping a bit more consistently now. We’re also getting more of a hang of the whole parenting-balancing-act-thing, so it’s back to work! (Well more visible work that is)

So what’s in store? We have a ton of stuff in the works! You can expect more frequent social posts (although social probably won't be the primary focus for us at the moment), more articles, guest posts and interviews, more workshops, a new course (we can’t wait to reveal what it will be!), a bonus section for the Outerwear Design Course, and tons more!

Lot’s of work to be done but it’s going to be amazing - and we promise you we are working as fast as we can! (In between diaper changes 👶)


Eric, Andrea, & Olivia